Regeneration title

The Regeneration album from Sound Intent consists of twelve remixed and reproduced tracks to enhance them from their original releases over a decade ago.

It is anticipated that these new approaches to the tracks will enable Jools to integrate these songs in future live sets. The majority of the tracks are taken from the debut album, Mists Rising, with a select number taken from the second album Cryogenus.Some of the tracks have had new rhythms, arrangements, song parts and production effects added to make them blend better with the newer material that Sound Intent has been writing.

Because the tracks feature heavily towards the guitar, Jools wanted to retain these ideas as much as possible, with many of the original recordings and improvisations kept. New parts were recorded or rerecorded as necessary to improve the production quality.

More modern sounding drums have been added to some tracks, where it was suitable to do so, to add new dynamic interest. Other tracks were enhanced using improved production techniques in keeping with the aesthetics of the original ideas. New parts and arrangements has made some of the songs shorter in duration than before, but this has added a new dimension to them.

The songwriting method was to use modal music theory to create memorable melodies on the synth or guitar. Taking poetry, or a word or a phrase, then describe those words musically and emotionally using a textured sonic palette.

Spiral was based around a four-note repeated spiralling riff in four-four time one of the few songs on the album that isn't in an odd meter. Others are based in three-four, six-four, twelve-eight and six-eight meter time.

For a Kiss was based on lines from an Alfred Lord Tennyson poem. The poem was based on the painful emotions of unrequited love, which could be described as being a single sounding note, sated only by their wish for a kiss from the love interest in the poem. Jools took these ideas and created a melodic chord progression based on two chords that pivoted on a single relative B note. These two chords created an X shape on the guitar to represent the symbolic kiss, he then used the single B string of the guitar to create the soulful melody for the track.

Bridge Over Forever was based on a novel about finding your soul mate, crossing the imaginary bridge throughout lifetimes to continually discover each other. Cryogenus, The Thief of Time and On Ice was part of the concept surrounding the possibilty of dreaming during the state of cryogenic freezing. The Circus was based on recreating the energy and weird unnerving elements of a circus. Talking to Stars examined the thought of alien life visiting a planet, this could be seen as either us or them being the alien. From the Soul, was Jools' descriptive approach to his guitar playing and his personal musical expression.

Mists Rising was written at the age of fifteen inspred by the animated film 'Fantastic Planet' AKA 'La Planète Sauvage', which he saw on television some years after it's release in 1973. This track is also dedicated in memorian to Jools' father who passed away in 1999. Mystics Waltz was a project piece written at music college. Tears of the Snake, tried to combine the musical rhythmic movement of a snake with the musical emotions of someone born in the lunar year of the snake.

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